Saturday, April 8, 2017


I was browsing Quora for some answers to my weird questions like " How to behave in a social circle" or " how not to spill food on oneself in a wedding?" since there is a big Punjabi wedding coming up in my family. And, that my friend is ONE BIG REASON TO FRET, with so many relatives to meet and plus answering them what are your plans for life and there genuine concern for how more many years will you keep studying! (basically when u are gonna get married and have 10000 kids) and most importantly what will people think if you are so clumsy all the time!

So basically 3 days of full masti,dhamaal and dancing (read torture drama and gossip). Getting no answers even on Quora i picked up my favorite novel - THE WOMAN WHO DIED FOR HER DREAMS, I had no other choice to bear the upcoming drama so i thought of finding a few hours of solace in my book. It consisted of a story about a girl who shook the world with the powers of her dream.
And as i opened the 38th page of the novel, i was all ready and excited to be immersed in the world of inspiration.

'Yes, I am serious sir!’ she said in all excitement. 
She was sitting in front of the college principal on the admission day. The college was in a distant town and was far from her small village.

‘I see you are excited,’ Principal began in a calm voice. ‘But you must understand that it’s not usual here. Your academic performance is great, pick whichever stream you want, but why this one?’

‘Sir,’ she responded in her calm voice. ‘I dreamed this! I want to do this! I know I can and ever since I knew what I loved this, I wanted to live this!’

‘But you will be alone! Do not expect other girls to join you! Which girl does this course? This stream is a monopoly of boys,’

‘Tell me one thing Sir, why should I curb my dream just because I am a girl? And do I look like a normal girl to you? I know making my dream into a reality isn't that improbable. Give me a chance and I will prove my worth.’ she replied. Her voice was firm.

Principal knew that moment, that she was more tees and  jeans. He felt like he was being interviewed by that 18 year old petite girl. She had the will to survive and sheer determination to win. He looked deep into her eyes and they were sparkling with confidence.
He sighed.

‘What will your family say? are they ready?" he asked
"not yet but then who cares...they lived their own lives on their own terms and i am sure they are gonna let me do the same"
So you are not accepting other choices, are you?’ he asked.

‘My fate accepts my will. Not the other way around.’ She said smiling.

Her voice echoed the hall.

‘What was your name again?’ Principal asked her while he looked into the admission form.

She knew she had convinced him. Her joy knew no bounds then. In a voice filled with enthusiasm, she replied.

‘Ms. Kalpana Chawla, sir.’

AND BOOM! I knew what i had to die for! It was sheer madness, how this one chapter blew my mind away....
Here she managed to be one of the leading astronauts of the world  and i was in deep despair and was looking for ways to escape a situation which could be handled with so much love.
I learnt the lesson of the day....Did you? :)
(PS: THIS IS A WORK OF FICTION...kindly dont google the mane of the novel...all you will find is error 404 :P)

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